Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
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The need for blood alcohol concentration (BAC) legislation in Nigeria


Edeaghe Ehikhamenor1 and E Okey Agwubike2

1Department of  Restorative Dentistry, Clinical therapeutic Unit, University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria; 2Department of  Physical & Health Education, University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria


Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 2004; 3(1): 319-327


Abstract  Full-Text


In Nigeria, the correlation between alcohol abuse and incidence of drink-driving and alcohol-related motor task and road trauma has been recognised.  Unrestricted availability of alcohol and ignorance, coupled with the absence of Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) threshold to act as a legal reference point for controlling the use, misuse or abuse of alcohol in Nigeria, are major concern.  The pharmacology, clinical and sports implications of indulgence in alcohol and the debate on its legal status are highlighted in this article.  The information presented could offer both clinical and safety benefits to psychomotor tasks executors and road safety professionals.

Key words:  Blood alcohol concentration (BAC), legislation, road safety

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Last updated: August 30, 2006