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ISSN: 1596-5996 (print); 1596-9827 (electronic)-

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Trop J Pharm Res, October 2010; 9(5)

Table of Contents


Original Research Articles


Attitudes and Perceptions of Healthcare Providers and Medical Students Towards Clinical Pharmacy Services in United Arab Emirates    Abstract || Full-text (PDF)

Eman Abu-Gharbieh, Sahar Fahmy, Bazigha Abdul Rasool, Abduelmula Abduelkarem and Iman Basheti


Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Insertion/Deletion Gene Polymorphism: An Observational Study among Diabetic Hypertensive Subjects in Malaysia   Abstract || Full-text (PDF)

Jaime Jacqueline Jayapalan, Sekaran Muniandy and Chan Siew Pheng


Antioxidant and Antihaemolytic Activities of the Leaves of Kefe cumin (Laser trilobum L) Umbelliferae      Abstract || Full-text (PDF)

Mohammad Ali Ebrahimzadeh, Seyed Mohammad Nabavi, Seyed Fazel Nabavi, Bahman Eslami, Zahra Rahmani


Immunomodulatory Activity of the Methanol Extract of Amorphophallus campanulatus (Araceae) Tuber       Abstract || Full-text (PDF)

AS Tripathi, V Chitra, NW Sheikh, DS Mohale and AP Dewani


In Vitro Antitumour Activity of Sesamum indicum Linn Flower Extracts     Abstract || Full-text (PDF)

Hua Xu1, 2*, Yong-ping Wen1, Wen Zhao1 and Qing He1


Acute and Sub-chronic (28-day) Oral Toxicity Studies of Hydroalcohol Leaf Extract of Ageratum conyzoides L (Asteraceae)      Abstract || Full-text (PDF)

Aboudoulatif Diallo, Kwashie Eklu-Gadegkeku, Amegnona Agbonon, Kodjo Aklikokou, Edmond E Creppy,  Messanvi Gbeassor


In Vitro Anticholinesterase and Inhibitory Effects of the Aqueous Extract of Combretum molle (Combre-taceae) Leaf on Rabbit Breathing     Abstract || Full-text (PDF)

Yéo Dodehe, Koffi Ernest, Bidié Alain dit Philippe, Tako Némé Antoine, Bahi Calixte, Méité Souleymane, Djaman Allico Joseph1 and Guéde-Guina Frédéric


In Vitro Antimicrobial Activities of Cicer arietinum L (Chickpea)      Abstract || Full-text (PDF)

A Kan, B Özçelik, M Kartal, ZA Özdemir, and S Özgen


Formulation and Evaluation of Chitosan-Based Ampicillin Trihydrate Nanoparticles        Abstract || Full-text (PDF)

Partha Saha, Amit K Goyal and Goutam Rath


Formulation of Fast-Dissolving Tablets of Promethazine Theoclate        Abstract || Full-text (PDF)

Shailesh Sharma, Neelam Sharma and Ghanshyam Das Gupta


Spectrophotometric Determination of Cilostazol in Tablet Dosage Form        Abstract || Full-text (PDF)

Pawan Kumar Basniwal, Vinesh Kumar, Prabhat Kumar Shrivastava and Deepti Jain


Determination of Letrozole in Tablet Formulations by Reversed Phase High Performance Liquid Chromatography      Abstract || Full-text (PDF)

Mani Ganesh, Krishanan Rajasekar, Margandan Bhagiyalakshmi, Mari Vinoba, Kavimani Saktimanigandan, Hyun Tae Jang

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