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Research Article


Anti-leishmanial and Anti-cancer Activities of a Pentacyclic Triterpenoid Isolated from the Leaves of Terminalia arjuna Combretaceae


Biswas Moulisha1*, Ghosh Ashok Kumar2, Haldar Pallab Kanti3

1Bengal Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kalyani, Nadia-741 235, 2Bengal School of Technology, Delhi Road, Sugandha, Dt. Hooghly, PIN: 712 102, 3Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Jadavpur University, Kolkata - 700 032, West Bengal, India.

*Corresponding author:  E-mail:  Tel: +91-33-25211273; 9831354803 (M); Fax: +91-33-25891742


Received: 3 October 2009                                               Revised accepted: 19 February 2010


Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, April 2010; 9(2): 135-140




Purpose: Terminalia arjuna Roxb (Combretaceae) is commonly known as Arjjhan and Arjun in Bengal, India. The anti-leishmanial and anticancer activities of a pentacyclic triterpenoid isolated from its leaves were evaluated.

Methods: Dried and crushed leaves of Terminalia arjuna were de-fatted with petroleum ether (40 - 60 °C) and extracted with methanol. The extract was subjected to column chromatography and column fractions were monitored on TLC plates developed in a suitable solvent system. Structures of the isolated pure compounds were elucidated by infra-red spectroscopy, mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. One of the compounds was screened for anti-leishmanial activity against promastigotes of Leishmania donovani, and anti-cancer activity on K562 leukaemic cell line.

Results: A pentacyclic triterpenoid, characterized as 3β-hydroxyurs-12-en-28-oic acid (together with ß-D-glucoside) and designated ursolic acid, was successfully isolated. The structure was determined on the basis of spectroscopic analyses. In vitro anti-leishmanial activity against promastigotes of Leishmania donovani (strain AG 83) and anti-cancer activity on K562 leukaemic cell line were shown by the isolated ursolic acid.

Conclusion: The methanol extract of the leaves of Terminalia arjuna led to the isolation of a pentacyclic triterpenoid, ursolic acid. This compound demonstrated in vitro anti-leishmanial and anti-cancer activities


Keywords: Terminalia arjuna Roxb, Pentacyclic triterpenoid, Ursolic acid, Spectroscopy, Anti-leishmanial, Anti-cancer.

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