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Research Article


Diuretic Activity of Rubus idaeus L (Rosaceae) in Rats


Ying Zhang, Zhenya Zhang*, Yinnan Yang, Xiaoyan Zu, Di Guan and Yuepeng Wang

Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba, 1-1-1, Tenoudai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-8572, Japan

For correspondence: E-mail:  Tel: +81-29-853-4712


Received: 2 February 2011                                                 Revised accepted: 14 May 2011

Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, June 2011; 10(3): 243-248 doi: 10.4314/tjpr.v10i3.15


Purpose:  To evaluate the diuretic activity of Rubus idaeus L in experimental rats.

Methods:  Hot-water and methanol extract of three kinds of Rubus idaeus L. fruits were administered to experimental rats orally at a dose of 2 and 5 mg/kg. Hydrochlorothiazide (10 mg/kg) was used as positive control in study. The diuretic effect of the extracts was evaluated by measuring urine volume, sodium and potassium excretion in the urine.

Results:  Compared with the control group, significant increase in urine volume was observed from the experimental animal treated with wild raspberry methanol extract. In addition, we find that the methanol extract of wild raspberry fruits shows a potassium-conservation diuretic effect, which is a very interesting property in a phytodiuretic.

Conclusion:  Methanol extract of wild raspberry fruits have diuretic effect on experimental rats. This might be the first formal reports on diuretic effect of raspberry fruits, which can also, to some extent, explain the use of raspberry as a cure for renal diseases in Chinese traditional medical practice. 


Keywords:  Diuretic activity, Rubus idaeus L., Rasberry, Herbal medicine.

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