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Research Article

Cytotoxic Activity of Hexane Extracts of Psidium Guajava L (Myrtaceae) and Cassia Alata L (Caesalpineaceae) in Kasumi-1 and OV2008 Cancer Cell Lines 

Arkene S Levy* and Shanna-kay Carley

Department of Basic Medical Sciences, University of the West Indies, Mona Campus Jamaica, West Indies

*For correspondence: Email:  Tel: 1876-927-2216; Fax: 1876-977-3823

Received:  4 August 2011                                                   Revised accepted: 24 February 2012

Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, April 2012; 11(2): 201-207  



Purpose: The cytotoxic effects of hexane extracts of Cassia alata and Psidium guajava  leaves were evaluated in OV2008 ovarian and Kasumi-1 leukemia cancer cell lines, respectively.

Methods: The cancer cells were exposed to various concentrations of either C. alata (100 – 180 µg/ml) or P. guajava (100 – 500 µg/ml) leaf extract for 24 h. Following treatment, the cells were evaluated using the 3-(4,5-Dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay to determine the cytotoxic effect of the extracts. C. alata extract was also analyzed using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).

Results:  C. alata and P. guajava extracts produced significant (p < 0.05) cytotoxicity in OV2008 and Kasumi-1 cell lines, respectively. The IC50 values were 160 µg/ml for C. alata and 200 µg/ml for P guajava. Further, the cytotoxicity exhibited by C. alata might be attributable to the flavonoid, kaempferol, which was identified as a constituent of the extract.

Conclusion: The results suggest that further chemical analysis and mechanistic investigations   should be conducted on P. guajava and C. alata extracts to validate their potential uses for anticancer therapy.


Keywords:  P. guajava, C. alata, Cytotoxicity, Kasumi-1, Cancer cell, OV2008

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