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Original Research Article

Preliminary Phytochemical and Physicochemical Characterization of Gynura segetum (Lour) Merr (Compositae) Leaf


Lay Jing Seow*, Hooi Kheng Beh, Amirin Sadikun and Mohd Zaini Asmawi

School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia


*For correspondence: Email:; Tel: +604-6533888 ext 4711; Fax: +604-6570017



Received: 12 August 2012                                                                     Revised accepted: 12 July 2013


Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, October 2013; 12(5): 777-782   



Purpose:  To carry out phytochemical and physicochemical studies on the leaves of Gynura segetum. 

Methods: Preliminary phytochemical and physicochemical studies using chromatographic techniques,were carried out, Parameters evaluated include ash value, loss on drying and extractive value, amongst others.  . 

Results: Phytochemical results revealed that the leaves of Gynura segetum contain alkaloid, terpene, flavonoid, tannin and saponin. Mean ash value (%) was 13.5 (total), 2.49 (acid-insoluble ash) and 6.14 (water-soluble ash). Loss on drying was 10.70 % while extractive value was 20.60 % in water and 14.13 % in ethanol. Thin layer chromatography (TLC) analysis indicates the presence of rutin in the methanol extract of G. segetum and this was supported by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) studies. 

Conclusion:  Useful quantitative and descriptive data essential for identifying and characterizing the plant for the purpose of quality control are presented.


Keywords: Gynura segetum, Quality control, Extractive, Ash value .

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