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Original Research Article

Online Monitoring for Strychnos Nux-vomica Parching in Sands and Chemical Compositional Analysis by Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography - Linear Trap Quadrupole -Orbitrap- Mass Spectrometry


Yujie Liu1, Ying Xu1, Huaiyao Qiao2, Xiao Ke2, Zhigang Wu2, Tao Sun1 and Chunjie Wu1*

1Department of Pharmacy, Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chengdu, 611137, 2Kang Hong Pharmaceutical Group Co, Ltd, Chengdu, 610036, PR China


*For correspondence: Email:


Received: 18 June 2014                                                                         Revised accepted: 11 September 2014


Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, October 2014; 13(10): 1675-1680   



Purpose: To provide an online and non-contact method to monitor the dynamic temperature of the nux-vomica parching in sands, and also to develop a rapid screening and comparison of the compounds in crude and processed nux-vomica.

Methods: Seeds of nux-vomica were parched in sands by an herbal medicine roaster with an online-type and non-contact temperature measurement system (ONTMS). Processing was monitored by ONTMS and the processing temperature was accurately controlled within the range 200 - 220 oC. Ultra performance liquid chromatography - linear trap quadrupole -orbitrap-mass spectrometry method in positive ionization mode was established in this work. The samples were extracted by ultrasonication with 50 % methanol for 30 min. Chromatographic separation was achieved on an Acquity UPLC HSS T3 column using a gradient program with acetonitrile and 1 % formic acid as the mobile phase and a diode array detector set at 254 nm for quantification.

Results: The surface color of the processed seeds of nux-vomica were brown or dark brown and the cross-section bulged with small bubble which meets the requirements of Chinese traditional processing methods. Fourteen major compounds from crude and processed nux-vomica were identified simultaneously by HPLC-DAD. According to the MS fragmentation pathways and by comparing with reference literature, the structures of eleven of the compounds were confirmed.

Conclusion: Methods using ONTMS are more accurate for parching nux-vomica in sands and UPLC-LTQ-Orbitrap-MS is a rapid and straightforward method for compound profiling in crude and processed nux-vomica.


Keywords: Strychnos, Nux vomica, Parching in sands, Online-type and non-contact temperature measurement system , Ultra performance liquid chromatography - linear trap quadrupole - orbitrap - mass spectrometry , Compound profiling

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