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Original Research Article

Synthesis and Antibacterial Evaluation of 2-(1,3-Benzodioxol-5-ylcarbonyl)arylsulfonohydrazide Derivatives


Asia Siddiqa1, Aziz-ur-Rehman1*, Muhammad Athar Abbasi1, Shahid Rasool1, Khalid Mohammed Khan2, Irshad Ahmad3 and Saira Afzal3

1Department of Chemistry, Government College University, Lahore-54000, 2HEJ Research Institute of Chemistry, International Center for Chemical and Biological Sciences, University of Karachi, Karachi-75270, 3Department of Pharmacy, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Bahawalpur-63100, Pakistan


*For correspondence: Email:,; Tel: (+92)-42-111000010 ext 450


Received: 19 December 2013                                           Revised accepted: 22 August 2014


Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, October 2014; 13(10): 1689-1696   



Purpose: To study the antibacterial activity of various sulfonamides derived from 1,3-benzodioxol-5-carbohydrazide.

Methods: The synthesis involved the conversion of 1,3-benzodioxol-5-carboxylic acid (1) to ethyl 1,3-benzodioxol-5-carboxylate (2) and then to 1,3-benzodioxol-5-carbohydrazide (3). The target molecules, 2-(1,3-benzodioxol-5-ylcarbonyl)arylsulfonohydrazide derivatives (5a-l) were synthesized through a benignant method from aqueous medium by the reaction of 3 and arylsulfonyl chlorides (4a-l). The structural formulae of the synthesized compounds were characterized by infra red spectroscopy (IR), proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H-NMR) and electron impact mass spectrometry (EI-MS). The compounds were screened for in vitro antibacterial activity by determining their minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC).

Results: The molecule, 5k, bearing 2-hydroxy-3,5-dichlorophenyl group exhibited the highest activity with MIC of 11.92 ± 3.40 (S. typhi), 8.37 ± 2.22 (E. coli), 9.28 ± 2.31 (P. aeroginosa), 11.76 ± 1.30 (B. subtilis) and 10.30 ± 1.63 (S. aureus) µmoles/L relative to that of ciprofloxacin with 9.42 ± 1.09, 8.02 ± 2.17, 8.11 ± 1.32, 8.88 ± 2.00 and 9.23 ± 1.87 µmoles/L respectively.

Conclusion: The most potent of the synthesized compounds (5k) posesses moderate activity against all the bacterial strains, while 5g remained completely inactive.


Keywords: 1,3-Benzodioxol-5-carboxylic acid, Antibacterial activity, Sulfonohydrazide, Synthesis

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