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Original Research Article

Evaluation and Selection of Gel Base for the Formulation of Dexpanthenol Products


Emese Sipos1, Noémi Szász1, Szende Vancea2* and Adriana Ciurba3

1Department of Pharmaceutical Industry, 2Department of Physical Chemistry, 3Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, University of Medicine and Pharmacy Targu-Mures, Gh. Marinescu Street, No. 38, 540139 Targu-Mures, Romania


*For correspondence: Email:; Tel: +40-265-215551/ 182


Received: 25 February 2014                                                                  Revised accepted: 23 October 2014


Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, December 2014; 13(12): 1987-1992   



Purpose: To formulate dexpanthenol gels with enhanced in vivo absorption properties via skin.

Methods: Carboxyvinyl derivatives (Carbopol 980 and Ultrez 10) and poloxamer (Lutrol F 127) were used as the hydrogel base in the formulations. Changes in rheological properties (apparent viscosity and penetration values) during the storage period were examined by Rheotest RN rotational viscometer and PNR12 penetrometer. In vitro release study using Franz diffusion cell was employed to compare the release characteristics of the formulated hydrogels with those of a reference cream.

Results: The flow curves of the gels with Carbopol 980 and Ultrez 10 showed pseudoplastic flow. Lutrol F 127 gels presented thixotropic behaviour. The consistency of the studied gels was in the following rank order: Lutrol F 127 > Ultrez 10 > Carbopol 980. In vitro results showed that dexpanthenol was released in lower amounts from the reference cream than from the three test gels. No significant differences were observed in the amount of active substance released from the gels due probably to the fact that Carbopol 980 and Ultrez 10 are both carboxyvinyl polymers. The highest amount of dexpanthenol was released from Lutrol F 127 gel.

Conclusion: The hydrogel made with Lutrol F 127 gel base possesses the best properties of all the gels and is recommended for the formulation of a suitable dexpanthenol gel.


Keywords: Hydrogel, Dexpanthenol, Carboxyvinyl polymers, Gels, Carbopol, Poloxamer, Rheology, Drug release, Penetrometer

Copyright@2002-2010. Pharmacotherapy Group, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Benin, Benin City. All rights reserved.

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